Stanley's journey from paunchy to poochy.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


I wanted to post a before/after pic now that Stanley has hit a milestone. It's really amazing to see the difference in him. I've also posted a pic of him "before" with the collar on (his dad seemed to think that made a different; I still think the change in him is really dramatic!)


  1. WOW! You are looking better! I can't wait to see the progress. My grandma had to put her chubby little pug on a diet. She ended up so much happier.

    Melvin and I would like to thank you for your prayers and thoughts on Thursday. I honestly feel that he recovered so well with the help of all his friends sending good vibes. We actually ended up finding that his innards grow faster than his outsides. This makes his blood sugar fluctuate and also causes neurological problems. Imagine that! Thankfully all of our vets agreed that he should grow out of it.

    Bless you!

  2. wow, Loeb, he looks great! You guys have been doing such good work with him, giving him the care he needs and the love and support. What an amazing difference. I really hope your blog inspires other pet parents to make a difference where they can.
    love and pats on the head,

  3. Awwww, what a cutie Stanley is! Congratulations on your decision to adopt. And for taking such good care of him

    All the best

  4. You are so wonderful! For a while, I wasn't sure Stanley would make it. He looks so much better already! You can actually see his neck.

    From myself and the other volunteers at Homeward, thank you so much!


  5. Stanley, I am so proud of you!!!!!!! You have a neck, and a very nice one at that :)

    You are lucky to have such dedicated parents! Keep it up!
