Stanley's journey from paunchy to poochy.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Six Months!

Today is 6 months since we brought Stanley home to live with us. It's hard to imagine that there was ever a time when he wasn't here....

And, for extra celebration, we have a new low on the scale! 97.3 lbs!!!! We may make it to 95 by the end of the year.

Then and now....

I'm going away for the holidays, so I'll definitely be missing Mr. Stan, but his dad will take good care of him! Sardines for dinner tonight!!


  1. Stanley! You are looking SO good! Your family is FANTASTIC for doing what they have!
    I'm thinking I need to put Melvin on a diet, soon. He's getting to be a bit chubby!

  2. Such good news. It's always tough to lose the weight, but each little pound is a pound less you have to lose! Good luck!
